Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ghostbusters - Ecto Plazm

The REAL Ghostbusters
Ecto Plazm (circa 1986)
purchased for FREE

Just the smell of this goo takes me back to my childhood. I could play with this "non-toxic water soluble gel" for HOURS, squishing it between my fingers, sliming GI Joe, throwing it at my sisters, throwing it at the wall...

Somebody in Bayville, NJ was throwing out a bunch of cool 80's toys, and I grabbed as much as I could (in the dark). When I got home I realized I left a few things there that I wanted. So I drove back the next morning, and it was all gone. There's vultures out there I tell ya! Grab whatever you can grab.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just looking at this jar, I remember what it smells like.